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Dark Kitchens

Unlock lucrative new sources of revenue with tech optimised for online food delivery. Syrve makes it easy to sell food exclusively online - and stay in control of your dark kitchen operation - helping you embrace one of the most powerful restaurant trends to emerge today.

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Learn more about Kitchen Management
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One Solution,
Complete Control

  • Accept orders from multiple channels, including aggregators
  • Route orders for different brands to relevant workstation or department
  • Enhance your kitchen team to improve communication and streamline processes
  • Manage and track your own driver fleet for speedy deliveries

Listen from restaurant owners directly!

See how Syrve is helping hospitality businesses around the globe boost performance.

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1. Illuminate Your
Dark Kitchen

Syrve makes it simple to raise awareness of your dark kitchen and build up a loyal customer base.

Set up a simple eCommerce website to accept orders directly, or integrate with aggregators such as Just Eat, Uber Eats and Deliveroo to maximise exposure to hungry customers.

Once you have a customer base, you can encourage them to order more by rolling out loyalty rewards, special offers, and exclusive deals. 

2. Satisfy Customers

Avoid disappointing your customers by ensuring up-to-date item availability is pushed out from kitchen to web, showing exactly what’s on offer.

With Syrve, you can also make sure food reaches your customers quickly by empowering your kitchen team to keep track of preparation status, cooking times and key actions - second by second - facilitating speedy deliveries that reduce wait times.

3. Better Manage Orders & Deliveries

No matter where your orders come in from - your website, an aggregator, or by phone - Syrve makes it easy to manage all orders in a single, accessible system.

And when it comes to deliveries, the system provides route guidance for drivers, delivery updates by text, and driver tracking to maximise control.

Improved order accuracy and delivery management is key to speed service, delight customers and boost future sales.

4. Increase Visibility in the Kitchen

Struggling to deliver on time? Drivers sitting around while orders back up?

Quickly identify bottlenecks in the process by bringing the kitchen team into the bigger picture, improving communication, streamlining processes, and preventing orders from going astray.

Syrve can help to avoid overwhelming kitchen teams by distributing orders to kitchens with capacity, rather than simply to the kitchen that’s closest.

5. Schedule Staff with Ease

Whether it’s your kitchen team or your delivery drivers, Syrve helps you schedule your staff using real data to ensure you have the people you need, when you need them.

From keeping track of staff rotas and salaries to monitoring targets and incentives across the operation, moving your staff management processes online with Syrve is one of the most effective ways to optimise your staffing strategies. 

6. Visualise the Future

As well as focusing on the here and now, Syrve’s AI technology makes it easier than ever before to visualise the future.

When it comes to delivery businesses, speed is everything.

Syrve helps to avoid issues that can slow operations down - such as incapacity to handle large order quantities - through forecasting features to support staff scheduling, prep plans, and purchasing, helping you plan with confidence.

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Gain Control of
Costs & Inventory

  • Calculate prices of food, labour, and deliveries to avoid spiralling costs
  • Rescue the risk of running out of key ingredients that are in demand
  • Prevent overstocking to reduce spoiled food and costs
  • Streamline the ordering process for your dark kitchen
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Use Data to Your Advantage

  • Get answers to critical questions eg. How fast are you delivering?
  • Multiple reports available out of the box and ready to use
  • Access key performance indicators to track success
  • Understand more about your core operations

Back of House

Syrve enables you to manage your kitchen, schedule staff, control your inventory, forecast future demand, and track your profit and loss, through a single system.

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Front of House

With Syrve, you have a fully comprehensive POS that helps you maximise the customer experience, from implementing table service to launching loyalty campaigns.

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Build your online presence with Syrve, enable customers to order online or through your app, and integrate with popular food delivery services to reach new customers. 

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Back of House

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Front of House

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Ready To Get Started?

Schedule a personalised consultation with our team of experts and see how Syrve can improve your operational efficiency and improve your bottom line.

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Syrve - Speak with an Expert Image

See what some of our users have to say!

Syrve - Testimonials_Rob Hodges - Farmer J
Syrve - Testimonials_Brett Edwards - DD Donuts
Syrve - Testimonials_George Murray - Coffee Diem

“We're able to see our inventory in real-time, we're able to see our purchase levels, and we can make decisions on the correct purchasing, because of suggested orders. As well, we're making sure that we're only ordering ingredients that we need, and not overfilling our stock rooms full of ingredients. Syrve makes my staff’s life easier.”

Rob Hodges

Head of Operations, Farmer J

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“We can access historical sales anywhere, this gives us instant access to our business. Every day, I get an email update on my phone of all our store sales, that not only saves time, but it also gives me confidence in our operations.”

Brett Edwards

Head of Franchising, Dum Dum Donutterie

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“Syrve has helped me save money and increase my productivity. I think certainly productivity for my team, where I don’t have to spend time training them. From a money perspective, it's really just a matter of wastage. I know what products are selling, so I'm not having to waste things at the end of the week.”

George Murray

Owner, Coffee Diem

80. GDD - Syrve Website - Testimonies - Coffee Diem Logo


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