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Coffee Shops

Boost the efficiency of your coffee shop - and enhance the customer experience - with Syrve. Whether you’re a small local business or a nationwide chain, our coffee shop POS provides an all-in-one platform for managing your day-to-day operations. 

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Learn more about Syrve POS
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Operate With Ease

  • Take orders and accept payments in ways that suit your customers
  • Reduce errors and ensure every customer receives exactly what they want
  • Handle complex modifiers with ease and confidence
  • Streamline business processes to drive improved outcomes


Syrve In Action

Catch a glimpse of Syrve in action and see how our POS is helping independent boutique coffee shop, CoffeeDiem, focus on growing their business, confident that day-to-day operations are being managed efficiently and effectively with Syrve. 

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1. Extend Your Reach

Syrve offers a built-in solution to new customer acquisition.

With Syrve, coffee shops can take advantage of a unique opportunity to begin building relationships before customers are even through the door.

With the ability to publish your menu online - and build a digital presence quickly and affordably - customers can browse items from home, check out daily specials, and even place an order through the web. 


2. Improve Order Accuracy

In coffee shops, modifiers aren’t an anomaly; they’re a part of the day to day environment.

Syrve is specially designed to support modifiers, enabling staff to select customers preferred drink size, milk option, sweetness, toppings, and customise their order to their liking.

The Syrve POS makes it easy for coffee shop staff to manage modifiers with ease, ensuring customers receive exactly what they ordered. 

3. Drive More Sales

With Syrve’s built-in upsell and cross sell prompts, your staff will instantly be alerted to opportunities to enhance the value of a sale.

Whether it’s suggesting a larger size drink, or recommending an accompanying food item, missed opportunities become a thing of the past.

With Syrve, it’s easier to maximise customer spending, increasing sales and revenue so you can drive more budget into growth and development. 

4. Encourage Return Custom

Make use of offers, loyalty programmes, and reward schemes to keep your customers coming back for more.

Syrve supports multiple different initiatives, ranging from discounts and free gifts to birthday offers and combo savings.

In an increasingly competitive marketplace, coffee shops can use Syrve to build strong, lasting customer relationships, encouraging return custom and maintaining a positive reputation.

5. Optimise Staff Schedules

Reduce wasted costs and ensure a positive employee experience by accurately predicting peak and off peak periods and scheduling staff as needed.

Syrve’s built-in reporting features makes it easy to see when staff are most needed - and when they’re not - to help you build optimised schedules.

Syrve removes the need for manual scheduling, leaving you with more time to focus on your core business.

6. Reduce Waste

Syrve uses AI-powered forecasting to help you order stock with greater accuracy, and greater confidence.

Using real historical data and real time demand, Syrve reduces the risk of over-stocking which can result in waste, and minimises the chance of running out of ingredients to maintain customer satisfaction.

Syrve takes the guesswork out of ordering, helping you to make smarter, data-driven decisions.

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Enhance the Customer Experience

  • Make it easy for customers to pay at counter, from the table, or online
  • Speed up transaction times and limit queues to reduce customer wait times
  • Support customer decision making with instant access to allergen information
  • Enhance the customer experience with upsell options and loyalty schemes
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Why choose Syrve?

  • Peace of mind that our team is here to help, with ongoing support
  • Access to detailed analytics and reporting to help you make great decisions
  • No need for multiple apps; just one interface for all your needs
  • Intuitive tech that’s easy for your staff to learn and use

Back of House

Syrve enables you to manage your kitchen, schedule staff, control your inventory, forecast future demand, and track your profit and loss, through a single system.

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Front of House

With Syrve, you have a fully comprehensive POS that helps you maximise the customer experience, from implementing table service to launching loyalty campaigns.

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Build your online presence with Syrve, enable customers to order online or through your app, and integrate with popular food delivery services to reach new customers.

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Back of House

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Front of House

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Ready To Get Started?

Schedule a personalised consultation with our team of experts and see how Syrve can improve your operational efficiency and improve your bottom line.

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Syrve - Speak with an Expert Image

Listen to what our users have to say!

George Murray - Coffee Diem
Rob Hodges - Farmer J
Brett Edwards - DD Donuts

“Syrve has helped me save money and increase my productivity. I think certainly productivity for my team, where I don’t have to spend time training them. From a money perspective, it's really just a matter of wastage. I know what products are selling, so I'm not having to waste things at the end of the week.”

George Murray

Owner, Coffee Diem

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“We're able to see our inventory in real-time, we're able to see our purchase levels, and we can make decisions on the correct purchasing, because of suggested orders. As well, we're making sure that we're only ordering ingredients that we need, and not overfilling our stock rooms full of ingredients. Syrve makes my staff’s life easier.”

Rob Hodges

Head of Operations, Farmer J

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“We can access historical sales anywhere, this gives us instant access to our business. Every day, I get an email update on my phone of all our store sales, that not only saves time, but it also gives me confidence in our operations.”

Brett Edwards

Head of Franchising, Dum Dum Donutterie

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